Wednesday, October 11, 2006

life in the campo

Hi all -
   This has to be a quick one, I've already been on the internet for 2 hours!  How time flies so fast when you're using technology and not when you're sitting around in the campo is beside me.  But that's OK, because not much has happened.
   In my last email I forgot to mention that each night I watch the sunset, I have photos and the next time I'm in Teguc I will put them up I swear!  Anyway, in the past few weeks I have added something new to me daily routine, going to the futbal campo to run.  This apparently baffles and entertains the ENTIRE community, but it keeps me busy for at least an hour.  At first no one knew what I was doing and then slowly it caught on and all of a sudden I have an audience of about 7 kids/teenagers.  On Monday I actually got three of my favorite little ninas to go with me, so we played tag and raced each other and all kinds of fun things.
   On the Sunday before it had been raining we were all at the campo for the last game of a soccer tournament the community was having to raise money to build a community center when the team decided to walk out of the tournament, because there wasn't enough money for 2nd place.  This I thought was absolutely ridiculous, and I still do,  I'm not sure how much money we ended up making from the tournament, but hopefully it was worth wile.  After we drove back in the pouring rain we were at the house when my three favorite 9 yr olds came over, I told them on Saturday I was going to teach them how to make friendship bracelets so there they were, eager to learn.  We did that for about 3 hours and then one of them said she was cold so I gave her my NorthFace and it hung on her like I dress, I took a picture and then they went insane.  Let's take a picture here, let me see, let me take it, take one of me, now of you two.  Everyone that walked up to the house had to have their picture taken!  It was funny.  And then I showed them my pictures from home, that was even better, look how pretty you are bridget with your sunglasses, is that your house?, are those your dogs? is that your brother? your mom? your dad? your friend? what do you mean you have 2 friends named Ashley?  It was great!
     Aside from having a good time with the kids, I've been going to a lot more community meetings and getting to know more of the area.  Last Friday we had a clean water co-op where we all went house to house looking for standing water and larvae.  Also we counted the number of people who don't have latrines and pilas, that's going to turn into my first project. This past week I went up with someone from the water board to look at the water system, we cleaned the tank and walked along the stream that provides the water.  I got to ride a horse half of the way up the mountain too! It was the most fun part of course!
     Right now I am currently in the works of getting together a place to move into in November, so then anyone who wants to come visit me can!
    Other than that things are pretty slow right now, we're not supposed to be starting work until after the 3rd month anyway.  Hope all is well with everyone and I will try and muster up a more entertaining email next time, I'm burnt out right now!
PC Amor,

Bridget Kathleen French