one more thing
Hi sorry all for two emails, but I didn't want to short anyone on more anecdotes from Bridget! I have more time seeing how I will be spending the night in Teguc to go to a dermatologist today about my face, as much as I say I like Honduras it doesn't want to get on the boat - triste. Anyway, I don't know how many of you have read or even heard about the book, "Don't Be Afraid Gringo," it was one of the books they recommend reading before you get to country (although I just finished it a few weeks ago). It's about the campasinos fight to have their own land to farm during the 70s and 80s told by a female activist. After the country passed a law that said any land that wasn't actively being used could be passed over to farmers with no land, well basically that's what it says. So her and her group started taking rich land owners land and squatting it for days until they could get the government to sign the paperwork to give it to the farmers. Many people were killed and assassinated, and many violent battles.
Now that you have the background, one the groups that was started back then is still active today and was squatting on a piece of land on the way up to the cabins we went to this weekend. I kind of felt like I was getting to see history in the making, I have a feeling that I was the only one that thought it was really cool, but whatever. I wish I had taken some pictures but I didn't. They had a Honduran flag flying and a banner that said something about land feeding the hungry. And they stand along the fence with their machetes and watch the road. All very dramatic.
Also a volunteer who lives on the boarder of El Salvador showed up because he heard a bunch on gringos were in town (I would have done the same thing, this is what our excitement has been deduced to) and he told us about PC El Salvador, apparently they have around 150 volunteers, which I think is absurd for the size of the country, but we all decided that the people of El Salvador really need it. Also, my parents should be very happy about this, it is apparently FAR more dangerous than Honduras as far as number of murders per year.
Alright, I think I have finally run out of interesting things to say, at least for right now. Its is possible that you all may get yet another email since I have access to FREE internet and really nothing to do here.
PC Amor,
Bridget Kathleen French
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