Tuesday, June 13, 2006

These are a few of my favorite things

I had a wonderful time this weekend at my going away party. The sad
part is now I have to go away! I know only a have few things I have
left to do before I depart, like pack. Haha, if only it were a little
easier. I still haven't heard anymore about specifically what I will
be doing while I am down there but as soon as I know I will be sure to
let everyone know!

Several people have been asking me what kinds of things I like so here
is a list!

Fruity candy - skittles, starbursts, mike n' ike,
Hot Tamales
Silly girly books
Non-mint flavor gums
Magazines - esp. news ones
Lip gloss
PICTURES of you having fun!
nail polish
travel games
CDs of new music
Friendship braclets (oh you know!)
Bullseyes (if they won't melt)
a play by play report of UGA football games
a detailed story line of The OC, 24, Law and Order SVU
Burned DVDs, if thats even possible
computer games
VISITORS! (I thought I'd just throw that in for good measure)

Thats all I ca think of right now. Thanks again for everything
everyone has done for me and your thoughtfulness! I greatly
appreciate it as I get ready to head off! More importantly thanks for
your continued support!

PC Love -
Bridget Kathleen French


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